Page 19 - 54th Annual Drosophila Research Conference Program Guide

Larry Sandler Memorial Lecture
The Larry Sandler Memorial Lecture was established in 1988 by the colleagues, friends and students of Dr. Larry
Sandler after his untimely death in February 1987. The award serves to honor Dr. Sandler for his many contributions to
Drosophila genetics and his exceptional dedication to the training of Drosophila biologists. Any student completing his
Ph.D. in an area of Drosophila research in the calendar year preceding the annual Drosophila Research Conference is
eligible and may be nominated by his/her dissertation advisor. The Selection Committee for 2012 includes Chair, Ken
Irvine, and committee members Mary Baylies, Marc Freeman and Matt Gibson. The Committee reviews nominations,
reads the dissertations of the finalists, and selects the awardee.
Past recipients of this honor are:
Bruce Edgar, 1988
Kate Harding, 1989
Michael Dickinson, 1990
Maurice Kernan, 1991
Doug Kellogg, 1992
David Schneider, 1993
Kendal Broadie, 1994
David Begun, 1995
Chaoyong Ma, 1996
Abby Dernburg, 1997
Nir Hacohen, 1998
Terence Murphy, 1999
Bin Chen, 2000
James Wilhelm, 2001
Matthew C. Gibson, 2002
Sinisa Urban, 2003
Sean McGuire, 2004
Elissa Hallem, 2005
Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos, 2006
Yu-Chiun Wang, 2007
Adam A. L. Friedman, 2008
Timothy Weil, 2009
Leonardo Barbosa Koerich, 2010
Stephanie Chen, 2011
The Victoria Finnerty Memorial Fund for Undergraduate Travel Award
This fund, which honors the memory of Victoria Finnerty, has been established to support travel costs for undergraduates
engaged in research to attend the Annual Drosophila Research Conference. Vickie, who died in February 2011, was a
long- time member of the Genetics Society of America and served the Drosophila community and the Genetics
community at large in many capacities.
A wonderful geneticist, Vickie’s ground-breaking work as a graduate student used high resolution recombination
analysis to dissect gene structure. This set the stage for a 35 year career in which she excelled as a gifted teacher as well
as research scientist.
Congratulations to this year’s winners:
Susanna E. Brantley, Emory University
Gina D. Castelvecchi, University of Wisconsin
Robert W. Fernandez, York College, City University of New York, Jamaica, Queens
Michelle A. Frazer, University of Michigan
Samuel Hutton Friedman, Vanderbilt University
Robert A. Gringas, Hofstra University
Gary Iacobucci, State University of New York at Buffalo
Jihyun Irizarry, California State University Los Angeles
Sierra K. Mosticone-Wangansteen, Randolph-Macon College
To make a tax deductible contribution, send your check to the attention of Adam Fagen, Executive Director, The
Genetics Society of America, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3998. Please write “Finnerty Fund” in the
memo portion of the check. Or you can make an online donation by visiting