A Drosophila melanogaster model identifies a critical role for zinc in initiating urinary stone formation. Thomas Chi1, Man Su Kim2, Nichole Bond1, Sven Lang3, Joe Miller1, Gulinuer Muteliefu3, Katja Bruckner1, Arnie Kahn3, Marshall Stoller1, Pankaj Kapahi3. 1) UCSF, San Francisco, CA; 2) College of Pharmacy, Inje University, Republic of Korea; 3) Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA.

   Ectopic biomineralization is a driving force for kidney stones and other disorders where calcium hydroxyapatite is believed to serve as a nidus for mineralized deposits leading to calcification. Initiating factors for the calcification process are poorly understood. We developed a Drosophila model for urinary stone disease and screened for genetic inhibitors of stone formation. Here we show that zinc (Zn2+) is present in both Drosophila melanogaster Malpighian tubule stones and human renal biopsy material and plays a critical role in initiating urinary stones. We screened mineralization-associated human disease genes for their ability to induce stones in fly tubules. Upon xanthine dehydrogenase (Xdh) inhibition, flies formed 70% more stones compared to controls. Hydroxyapatite was confirmed in fly stones with a fluorescent bisphosphonate dye stain. Targeted screening of 50 genes of interest was then performed using concurrent inhibition with Xdh suppression. This identified 10 suppressors that mitigated fly stone formation. A member of the ZnT zinc transporter family conferred the greatest rescue, replicated with zinc chelation drug feeds. To better understand the mechanism by which zinc exerted its effects, synchrotron radiation-based analysis was performed on stone samples. This demonstrated the presence of Zn2+ in both Drosophila and human stones, implying that Zn2+ plays an important, previously unrecognized structural role in the initiation of human kidney stones. Our results implicate Zn2+ as a critical component for initiating stone formation whose manipulation could be leveraged as a therapeutic target. This work demonstrates for the first time translational utility of a genetically based Drosophila model for urinary stone disease with implications of applicability across multiple diseases involving ectopic biomineralization.